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Welcome to the Love~Listen~Talk~Repeat podcast. 

I'm Wendy Capewell, a Psychotherapist, and Counsellor with more than 16 years of experience.  You can learn more about me and how to work with me on my website here

'The better you know yourself, the better your relationship with the rest of the world' 

- Toni Collette

The first and most important relationship is the one with ourselves. Our past experiences have shaped the person we are now. But that doesn't mean that defines us, and it doesn't mean we can't ditch those habits or negative beliefs that really don't work anymore.

By having a deeper understanding of ourselves, we are more able to create much better relationships with others in our world, whether personal, romantic, or professional.

My guests come from varied backgrounds and share their stories and experiences. Maybe similar to yours, or giving you a different perspective. 

So why not sit down, grab a cuppa and choose one of the episodes to listen to. 


Nov 10, 2017


Non-Perfect Dad - Richard Shorter talks about  -

  • Whether parents are getting a hard time, so is there a parenting crisis or are parents doing a good job
  • What the pressures are that are most most challenging for parents
  • His views on how can parents work on their child's self-esteem and feeling good enough
  • How we can help those young people struggling with body image? 
  • How parents can support their children to follow their dreams and aspirations, whether personal or in career
  • His views on social media, mobile phones and the Internet
  • Special time with child and parents
  • Genitalia– what is normal, talking to children about puberty and sex

Richard Shorter

About Richard

Two decades of supporting and encouraging families has taught me that I am not a perfect dad!

Having three lively and energetic children has taught me I’m not a perfect dad too!

But I do have a background steeped in delivering high quality and effective support to dads and young people. 

I am not perfect, but I am awesome at being me as a father, which means I’m a great dad.  This is the gift I offer other parents. 

Further below are some of the things I have been involved with and my qualifications. 

But beyond all this, who am I?

Who I am is: an honest, fun and passionate person, with the guts to talk about those part of life others shy away from. I’ve the courage to ask questions that will help people discover solutions to their problems and grow in self-confidence and self-belief.

I am dog lover who made sure all three of his kids could rap along with Ice Ice Baby once they had mastered the word calibrate! 

To be honest I’m best experienced in person rather than through words on a page, why not arrange a skype with me. 

Key experience:

 Worked as a youth worker for the local authority

 Delivered numerous parenting courses for local council

 Provided one-to-one parenting support for multiple statutory agencies to those in the local area who are facing a crisis in their parenting or who just need a bit of extra support

 Lectured at several universities, teaching trainee social work students about effective strategies for working with families

 Worked in various roles for two churches

 Coached and encouraged people from a wide range backgrounds, faiths and life experiences

 Worked with and spoken at many schools across all ages

 Public speaking in many contexts. ( from skateparks to funerals and everything inbetween) 


 Honours degree in Community and Youth Studies ( St Martins, Lancaster)

 Honours degree in Theology (University of Wales)

 Diploma in Life Coaching from A R Training

 Facilitator for ‘Strengthening families, strengthening communities’ parenting program

 Facilitator for ‘Strengthening families’ 10-14 parenting course


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From Surviving to Thriving in a Romantic Relationship  book - Link to Amazon

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