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Welcome to the Love~Listen~Talk~Repeat podcast. 

I'm Wendy Capewell, a Psychotherapist, and Counsellor with more than 16 years of experience.  You can learn more about me and how to work with me on my website here

'The better you know yourself, the better your relationship with the rest of the world' 

- Toni Collette

The first and most important relationship is the one with ourselves. Our past experiences have shaped the person we are now. But that doesn't mean that defines us, and it doesn't mean we can't ditch those habits or negative beliefs that really don't work anymore.

By having a deeper understanding of ourselves, we are more able to create much better relationships with others in our world, whether personal, romantic, or professional.

My guests come from varied backgrounds and share their stories and experiences. Maybe similar to yours, or giving you a different perspective. 

So why not sit down, grab a cuppa and choose one of the episodes to listen to. 


Oct 6, 2021


Annette Earl likes to be described as helping people plant T.U.L.I.P.S, which I’m sure intrigued you are much as me, when I first spoke to her.


One of the subjects many people in our society shy away from talking about is anything related to our own or loved ones' mortality, and subjects around death and dying. This can cause so many problems – and even arguments for those left to deal with the deceased’s wishes.

But, as Annette says, it doesn’t have to be that way. From the practical things, such as where important documents are, or even bank accounts, and utility companies, to those personal wishes, that may only have been implied. Annette has us thinking about them all. It ensures that our loved ones have that information, and there are no doubts about their wishes. How empowering is that, and not only that but what an amazing gift to leave our loved ones.  Annette has produced an End of Life Planner that covers so many aspects, which I have found really interesting – and quite fun when it came to choosing music. Tune in to learn more. ……


Annette Earl set up Dockleaf Conversations to help people make their End of Life Plan in a manageable but meaningful way. She does this by working with people to plant TULIPS by Tidying Up their life admin, Leaving their Legal Instructions, and Planning their Send-Off. Annette is passionate about helping to normalise the conversation around death and advocates for everyone having a ‘good death’, whatever that looks like for them. She lives in Wiltshire with her husband and six badly behaved cats.



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Wendy is a Counsellor,  Psychotherapist, Coach, Public Speaker, and Author. She helps people who are stuck either in their personal, professional or relationships, get to the root of the problem which is holding them back, let go - and move forward into a happier more successful life. 

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