Sep 28, 2018
The ending of a relationship can be very painful both emotionally and physically. So many questions go around our head.
We blame the other person or take all the blame ourselves. We rerun events round and round, trying to make sense of it all.
We also forget to take good care of ourselves and try to move on really...
Sep 21, 2018
People often tell me they hate confrontation - when they really mean they hate conflict!
Confrontation means facing up to the problem or issues. When we do that we are more likely to achieve resolution, by negotiating with each other. This is appliable in both personal and professional situations.
By avoiding addressing...
Sep 14, 2018
Lovelda is an international MC & host & founder of World Class Female Speakers and in this episode she shares her views on amongst other subjects -
Sep 7, 2018
As a Relationship Coach, Wendy has over 13 years professional experience together with many more years of life experiences that make her qualified to help and support those who are struggling with day to day issues that affect them at some time or another. It often stems from lack of self confidence,...